Monday, 14 January 2013

Went to a game of airsoft not long ago with my boss's airsoft team, it was in Battlefield sports outdoor area called bootcamp.

As per usual I can be seen wearing my "ghost" mask. Even for a publicity picture I couldn't remove it haha.

Again another picture of the guys who where at the site, my boss is the guy that's pretending to hump the fella in the center. And again thats me in the ghost mask chilling in the back drop 

Personally I had a decent time when I went, the outdoor area is basically just as basic as you get in real life, no fake made up bunkers, pillboxes houses or anything thats man made, which makes it harder to hide etc. for me Im more of a cqb player, and found it hard to be quite and not make noise while in the bushes and muck.
They keep it really relaxed and try to have fun when they play, some place's I have been to are too in your face but this place is good in the way its relaxed. 

All in all it wasn't too bad and I can safely say I would go again

Here is a link to the website of battlefield sports

And the facebook page for battlefield sports

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